Sunday, January 28, 2007


I know I'm the only one here but I also know others will be along shortly.

So... "Hi!"

Thats me in the pic, about 1996 or so... The truck is Bill Conde's. Bill was an instrumental player in the resurrection of the North American hemp industry.


ja said...

Somehow I missed your post at forum that you started up a drug war blog. It's seems off to a good start.

Well, we better start trashin' the place...

I don't know how much time you have to spare, but since you are a MAPster perhaps you could highlight some of the MAP stories. You know, quick summary and commentary type of deal. I don't make it to MAP everyday so I find it very helpful when you post articles at DWrant so I can fire off an LTE. Once this blog gets rolling it's just a bookmark away.

Just a suggestion, but I didn't think it through for practicality.

ja said...

I just noticed how egocentric my post sounds. I didn't mean just for me...